Imp. Factor 4.3901

European Review in Accounting and Finance | ISSN 2754-4672

ERAF accepts manuscripts in the form of original articles, case reports, short communications and review articles, the European Review in Accounting and Finance (ERAF) aims to publish the most accurate and reliable source of information addressing the entire spectrum of Accounting and finance, including Financial Accounting, Tax Accounting, Social and Environmental Accounting, Public Accounting, Management Accounting, and many more.


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  1. Credit for authorship should be given based on a significant contribution to the success of the study. Authorship is not justified by participation in the sole purpose of getting funds, data collection and general supervision of the research group. Every participant or contributor should have actively participated in the project to accept public accountability for appropriate sections of the content. The order in which the contributors are named should show their individual contribution to the research and production of the manuscript. Without the explicit agreement of all contributors, the order of the text cannot be altered after it is submitted.
  2. A review article may only be written by individuals who have produced significant work in a given subject. The manuscript should be accompanied by a brief description of the contributor(s)' work in the field of review.
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  4. All submitted papers will be critically evaluated for essential intellectual content before being published in their final approved form.

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All research papers, as well as the majority of other types of publications, published in this Journal are subjected to rigorous peer review. Two independent peer reviewers are generally involved in this process. An Editor evaluates all entries to this Journal and determines whether they are acceptable for peer review. When an Editor is listed as an author or has a conflicting interest in a submission, another member of the Editorial Board will be appointed to handle peer review. Submissions that are deemed acceptable for consideration will be forwarded to competent independent experts for peer assessment. Editors will make a choice based on the reviewers' reports, which will be given to authors together with their manuscript's editorial decision. Authors should be aware that even if one reviewer's assessment is good, another reviewer's objections may fundamentally undermine the study and lead to the article being rejected.

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it is at the author's discretion to recommend possible reviewers; nevertheless, the Editor has the final say on whether or not to consider these reviewers. Authors should avoid recommending colleagues from the same institution or recent collaborators. Authors who wish to recommend peer reviewers should indicate so in the cover letter, and also include institutional email addresses or other information that will assist the Editor in verifying the reviewer's identity, where necessary.

Authors can request that persons be removed as peer reviewers, but they must explain why in their cover letter during submission. Authors should not omit too many people from peer review since this will impede the process. Please keep in mind that the Editor may decide to invite peer reviewers who have previously been excluded. Falsifying information on purpose, such as recommending reviewers with a fake name or email address, will result in the article being rejected and may lead to additional inquiry under our misconduct policy.

Copyright Policy

Published Articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 International License, which allows for commercial and non-commercial copying of an open access publication provided that the original writer and source are correctly credited.

ERAF accepts manuscripts in the form of original articles, case reports, short communications and review articles, the European Review in Accounting and Finance (ERAF) aims to publish the most accurate and reliable source of information addressing the entire spectrum of Accounting and finance, including Financial Accounting, Tax Accounting, Social and Environmental Accounting, Public Accounting, Management Accounting, and many more.

Finance-based manuscripts are welcome also, ERAF publishes innovative and cutting-edge research in all main sectors of finance, including money and credit markets, investments, financial management, institutional & corporate finance, insurance & risk management, monetary banking, stock exchange, and more.

The journal covers a wide range of subjects in its area to provide a platform for writers to contribute to the journal, and the editorial office guarantees a peer review procedure for submitted papers to ensure high-quality publication. For a high-quality peer review procedure, the journal employs the Editorial Manager System. Editorial Manager is a method for submitting, reviewing, and monitoring manuscripts online. Review processing is handled by members of the European Review in Accounting and Finance editorial board or outside specialists; each citable submission must be approved by at least two independent reviewers before being accepted by the editor. Authors can submit manuscripts and watch their progress through the system, with the aim of seeing them published. Reviewers can see manuscripts and provide feedback to the editor. Editors can oversee the whole submission, review, revision, and publication process.

The ERAF's mission is to promote knowledge and understanding of Accounting theory and practice by publishing high-quality practical and theoretical research. The journal covers international accounting, which is commonly used to refer to the reporting of international economic transitions as well as the study of disparities in accounting standards throughout the world.

Chief Editor
Dr. Mayrbek Ryzaev |

Chris Osigwe Okhamera
Research Fellow
Department of Information Systems, Dublin Business School, Dublin, Ireland

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Influence of Productivity on Firm Value of Oil and Gas Firms in Nigeria European Review in Accounting and Finance 26-37Full PDF

Government Expenditure on Primary Welfare Sector and Economic Growth of Nigeria: A Correlation Analysis European Review in Accounting and Finance pp. 38-52Full PDF

Effect of Corporate Assets on Market Value of Oil and Gas Firms in Nigeria European Review in Accounting and Finance pp. 53-65Full PDF

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Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility Expense and Firm Value of Oil and Gas Firms in Nigeria European Review in Accounting and Finance pp. 1-12FULL PDF

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Fraud and Fraud Control in a Computerized Accounting System European Review in Accounting and Finance pp. 1-7Full PDF

The impact of risk committee on financial performance of UK financial institutions European Review in Accounting and Finance pp. 1-23FULL PDF

Tax planning strategies for corporate inversion European Review in Accounting and Finance pp. 24- 36FULL PDF

Relationship between audit quality measures: peer-review evidence from individual auditors European Review in Accounting and Finance 1-13FULL PDF

Capital structure and firm financial performance in Vietnam European Review in Accounting and Finance pp. 14-22FULL PDF

Multinational diversification and performance: a re-evaluation of the evidence European Review in Accounting and Finance 14-25FULL PDF

The Effect of Research and Development (R&D) Inputs and Outputs on the Relation between the Uncertainty of Future Operating Performance and R&D Expenditures European Review in Accounting and Finance pp. 1-26FULL PDF

Determinants and Consequences of Nonprofit Transparency European Review in Accounting and Finance pp. 27-38FULL PDF

The effect of dividends on portfolio holdings of mutual funds European Review in Accounting and Finance pp. 39-54FULL PDF

The Balanced Scorecard: Measures That Drive Performance Evaluation in Auditing Firms European Review in Accounting and Finance 1-19FULL PDF

Product Life Cycle Lengths and Real Activities Management European Review in Accounting and Finance 19-31FULL PDF

Earnings Quality and Trading Volume Reactions Around Earnings Announcements: International Evidence European Review in Accounting and Finance 1-12FULL PDF

Determinants and Consequences of Nonprofit Transparency European Review in Accounting and Finance 13-25FULL PDF

The Association of the Qualitative Informativeness of Market Risk Disclosures With Stock Liquidity European Review in Accounting and Finance pp. 1-20FULL PDF

Inexperienced Component Auditors and the Internal Information Asymmetry of Multinational Corporations European Review in Accounting and Finance 20-27FULL PDF

Tax-Related Restatements and Tax Avoidance Behavior European Review in Accounting and Finance pp. 27-38FULL PDF

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Plagiarism is an Academic Theft. Authors should carefully test their works to make sure it passes a general plagiarism test of at least 75% originality of which the 25% plagiarized content should be quoted statements or References. More so, no part (phrase, paragraph, page) of the submitted manuscript should be source weblinks without proper citation. This will also be considered as plagiarism. Such manuscript will be decided upon by our reviewers whether to reject absolutely or not.
Submitted manuscripts will be reviewed and decided upon within 5 working days of submission. Each manuscript will be reviewed by at least 2 (two) reviewers and decisions sent via email to the corresponding Author.